Hacknosis: Sustainable MedTech!

2461 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
2461 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4

Winners are announced.

Idea Submission
starts on:
Jun 15, 2024, 12:30 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Jul 20, 2024, 06:29 PM UTC (UTC)
Prototype Submission
starts on:
Jul 21, 2024, 12:30 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Aug 26, 2024, 03:30 PM UTC (UTC)


Hacknosis: Sustainable MedTech Winners

MedTech Category

Place Project Name Team/Author
1st Panacea - A Doctor's AI Twin Panacea
2nd NEAT: NextGen App for Effective Analysis of Trash Half Byte
3rd DECCAAN DNA: Empowering Personalized Healthcare through Secure Data Management and AI Insights sivasubbu421_cbf0
4th HealthInspect - Your AI-powered Dermatology Companion prabhalapranathi_a8a7
5th CarbonMedChain: AI-Blockchain Fusion for MedTech Carbon Reporting d2Anubis

Technology Category

Place Project Name Team/Author
1st DEHR: Distributed Electronic Health Records History Concept
2nd HealthInsight Patient Clinical Summary using OpenTest ThingTank
3rd carbonSage - elasticSearch elasticSearch
4th Intelligent Document Management and Analysis System for Healthcare simrinb_fd7d
5th Ecotrack: Real-Time Carbon Footprint Calculator gaurideo276_47b9

Social Category

Place Project Name Team/Author
1st OpenText - Mindful Hub: A Comprehensive Mental Wellness Platform subhamkabiraj2004_6d2d
2nd Dear Zindagi Debuggers
3rd SWACHHA KERAL APP OpenUnity - Team 8848
4th HarmonyHub: Your Digital Sanctuary for Mental Health and Wellbeing anshikarewliya
5th Calm Dorm anushka03271_dec0

Outstanding Bug Findings

  • Vidhya Devaraj
  • Sai Kishan 
  • Vishleshak 

Welcome to Hacknosis: Sustainable MedTech!

This hackathon is about respecting the environment and standing united for the climate by driving sustainable innovation through technology.

Sustainable development is the critical point where human, social, environmental, and economic needs intersect. If you’re not familiar with how technology can drive sustainable change, join the live sessions to learn more about your work can:

  • Drive environmental change through green coding to reduce carbon emissions
  • Remove code bias through design concepts that drive social change
  • Drive innovative processes, signals, and workflows through data orchestration

Live Session

August 9th at 10:00AM EST

Considering design early in the research and development phase, how can we integrate social structure and sustainability goals? This session will creates an opportunity to be introduced to the history and purpose of the Inclusive Design Principles, alongside a more interactive and robust discussion to explore factors that can help developers build better solutions that benefit everyone.

Speaker:Mariam Waliji, VP-Equity, Impact & Governance at Pillar Nonprofit Network

Download invite like here

Green Coding IO Logo


Develop a solution (completed or prototype) using at least 1 OpenText API that solves one the following challenges.

MedTech Sustainability

Information management is crucial for sustainable development, as it involves the effective collection, storage, dissemination, and utilization of data to support decision-making processes.

How can you ensure you have the right data and structure necessary to drive innovative change? Data quality, meta tagging structures, risk and compliance parameters and workflows are critical components to work out before actionable insights, analytics and reports can be generated. The need to create better, customizable, secure ways to share data within organizations, across departments or externally is a unique challenge.

Here are some key challenges that can drive sustainable development:

  • Data availability and access
  • Data quality and integrity
  • Data security and privacy
  • Capacity building, digital literacy and knowledge sharing
  • Real-time data processing and analysis

The impact of addressing these issues lead to informed decision making, enhanced transparency and accountability.

If your data could tell a story, what would it be? Develop a solution that addresses data challenges within these spaces and tell us how your solution drives sustainable change and impact:

  • Healthcare/Biotech
  • Cold Chain
  • Supply Chain
  • Waste management

Social sustainable design is an approach to creating products, services, environments and systems that prioritize the well-being and needs of people by ensuring that design solutions are inclusive, equitable and beneficial for everyone.

Working conditions and environment can have a huge impact on mental health and wellness.  This includes the systems we use every day, so how can technology aid in mental wellness? Research shows that mental health is a rising concern globally and healthcare workers have been reporting higher levels of mental health concerns amongst staff. Mental health checkers are a start but are there ways technology can be used to reduce stress or enhance overall well-being?

Cultural sensitivity is another key aspect that respects and integrates local cultures, traditions and values into the design process to ensure they are culturally appropriate and resonate with intended users.  Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is a foundational pillar for building vibrant, innovative and resilient environments as they encompass the spectrum of human identities, aim at leveling the playing field and fosters a culture where every individual feels values, respected and empowered to contribute their best work.

Develop a solution that enhances the well-being for all and tell us how your solution supports social sustainable design.


Reports suggest the carbon footprint of our gadgets, the internet and the essential systems supporting them account for 3.7% of global greenhouse emissions – on par with the airline industry. These emissions are predicted to double by 2025 as more devices hit the market, including smart medical devices.

Technology can drive innovative change to reduce environmental impacts across every industry.  

Carbon accounting is a new way to track and monitor carbon emissions produced by hardware devices, software usage or business operations – including facility usages – and aids in helping us understand the environmental impacts technology has on the environment.

Develop a solution that can calculate, track or reduce carbon emissions generated by devices or data usage.


Main Prizes
1st Place (3)
USD 2000
2nd Place (3)
USD 1000
3rd Place (3)
USD 750
Special Prizes
Bug Finder Challenge (3)
USD 50

Your feedback is valuable and this is your chance to not only provide feedback but also win $50 per unique report submitted which will be paid out at the end of the Hackathon. As you work on your submissions we invite you to submit any bugs you find using any OpenText API to the community here.

5th Prize (3)
USD 100

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